Our Impact

Outstanding Professionals Employment Network (OPEN) is a chapter of Experience Unlimited (EU), sponsored by the California Employment Development Department (EDD). 

OPEN is a free service for active job seekers and employers facilitated by weekly hands-on professional growth, training, education, and networking sessions.

Weekly Meetings

  • OPEN meets Fridays from 10a – 11:30a. View calendar

  • All meetings are online only until further notice.  If you want to participate, you must send an email to info@eu-open.org and send a admittance request by or before 1PM every Wednesday Pacific Time

  • All meetings are open to the public.

Why Join OPEN

Staying motivated is challenging – especially during a job search. Being a part of a strong networking group can mean all the difference. Getting inspiration from facilitators and other group participants helps you in your journey to success. JOIN OPEN

More about OPEN, a chapter of Experience Unlimited

The Experience Unlimited concept started in Berkeley in 1959 and expanded quickly throughout the state. In the late 1970’s the number of chapters began to decline until only four cities retained chapters. In 1986 the concept was revived, and there are currently more than twenty-three chapters, each of which bears a unique name such as ProSearch, Marin Professionals, GLAPros, and OPEN.

Hundreds of professionals in a wide range of technical and managerial fields participate in OPEN’s voluntary, self-directed networking groups to lend job-hunting assistance and career direction.

EDD’s Job Service offices provide space, equipment, and a staff specialist for each EU chapter. This important service is a response to the needs of communities faced with an increase in corporate mergers, relocations, downsizing, or an increased number of people forced to change jobs due to industry shifts.

OPEN members work together to network and share job-seeking knowledge and experiences. Results show these activities reduce the length of unemployment.

Most EU members are mid to upper-level professionals and executives who lost their jobs due to organizational restructuring. They have expertise in management, finance, banking, HR, administration, education, engineering, marketing, accounting, computer technology, data analytics and various scientific fields. They offer years of experience and often possess advanced academic degrees.

Members apply knowledge gained in our workshops and weekly meeting and actively seek job openings and interviews by networking, self-marketing, and contacting employers. During this work search, OPEN members function as a networking and support group, providing advice and encouragement to each other.

EU members can access  thousands of job openings through CalJOBS, EDD’s online portal. Employers can also view EU member resumes in CalJOBS. This augments the prospects for interviews that members develop on their own.

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